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Our Story

The Bharat Pacific is a digital media and publication platform supported by the Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law, which offers curative and unique content through podcasts on international relations, technology policy and global governance in the Indo-Pacific region [Formerly Internationalism Global Podcasts].

Since inception in 2018, The Bharat Pacific has invited notable experts, professionals and scholars from various arenas of policy and international relations, including those from law and technology to discuss unique and young discourses on the Indo-Pacific Region, and the realpolitik associated with the role of India and South-East Asia.

In recent changes as of June 2024, The Bharat Pacific is governed under
The Bharat Pacific Charter, as a larger part of The Bharat Pacific Forum and its Communities, thanks to the support of the Advisory Council of the Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law.

We have largely focused on "out of the box" and "inside the box" discussions, and policy questions, which shapes up an Indian outlook towards public policy innovation, in the world of international relations.

The Team



Chairperson & Managing Trustee

Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law

Aditya Jakki

Chief Media Advisor

Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law

Akash Manwani


Indian Society of Artificial Intelligence and Law

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